1 травня 2024 р. студенти 2 курсу романо-германської філології, випускники магістерської програми "Зарубіжна література та світова художня культура", завідувач кафедри світової літератури Галина Бітківська і доцент Юлія Вишницька взяли участь в обговоренні публічної англомовної лекції "Переклади Шекспіра грузинською мовою", яку прочитала директор Центру шекспірівських студій Тбіліського державного університету імені Івана Джавахішвілі, професор Манана Гелашвілі.
Захід відбувся в межах міжнародного проєкту, організованого Українським шекспірівським центром (директор - професор Наталія Торкут), "Дні Шекспіра в Україні - 2024".
Ось кілька відгуків студентів про лекцію:
Victoria Yakubenko:
Thank you so much for such interesting event! That is extremely important to know more than just basics and these events really help to develop. That was amazing! I hope to visit more! Thanks
Thank you so much for such
Shakespeare. Who do you think is the Shakespeare of our time? thank you
Tymofii Vlasov:
Thanks for sharing this important topic with us! It was such an amazing
Tymofii Vlasov:
Thanks for sharing this
presentation! The information was very interesting and useful. I adore this event and the knowledge I get here! Thank you so much

Олександра Трегуб:
Thank you a lot for such interesting and exciting presentation! It was really interesting to find out about the process of translation of Shakespeare's works into Georgian!
Thank you a lot for such
Анджеліна Хіджазін:
thank you very much for the lecture!
I learned a lot of new and interesting things about Shakespeare. Your Georgian language sounds very beautiful and melodic . it was nice to listen to you. Do you think Shakespeare plays a big role in our lives, In terms of literature, does it influence us?
thank you very much for the

Єлизавета Борщ:
thanks for the lecture! it was very nice and useful to listen to you! I hope we will still have the opportunity to listen to you. I think this information is very useful. so do you think shakespeare days are really important to Ukrainian culture or people?
thanks for the lecture! it
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