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Дні Шекспіра в Україні - 2024: Науковий семінар "Шекспір і модерністи"

image 1004 квітня 2024 р. студенти-другокурсники англійської, німецької, французької, італійської, іспанської філологій разом із доцентом кафедри світової літератури Юлією Вишницькою взяли участь у науковому семінарі "Шекспір і модерністи", долучившись до обговорення ключових доповідей. Семінар організовано кафедрою світової літератури ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, Центром Шекспірівських студій ТДУ імені Іване Джавахішвілі та Українським міжуніверситетським шекспірівським центром. 

Ідейна натхненниця й організаторка "Днів Шекспіра в Україні" - професор, доктор філологічних наук, директор Українського шекспірівського центру Наталія Торкут.
Модераторка - проф. Ольга Бандровська.
Ключові спікери - грузинські науковиці: 
Dr. Tamar Gelashvili, Gastronomic Rebellion: The Allusions of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" in James Joyce "Finnegans Wake";
Lizie Dzagnidze, The Ghost of Shakespeare in T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets".
Ось кілька відгуків студентів Університету про науковий семінар:
Анастасія Шаркевич (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you for your appreciation! I'm delighted that you found the presentation informative and engaging. It's wonderful to hear that it has sparked your interest in delving deeper into Shakespeare's works. As a student of Philology, I'm glad you found value in the English language aspect of the presentation as well. Should you ever need further insights or assistance, feel free to reach out. Keep exploring and enjoying your journey with literature and language!
Аліна Стрельцова (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):  
Thank you sooo much for this event and presentation. This year's focus on the aesthetic harmony and creative dialogue between Shakespeare and modernist artists underscores the timeless relevance of the Bard's work and its profound impact on literature. The presentations, such as Dr. Tamar Gelashvili's exploration of Shakespeare's influence on James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" and Lizie Dzagnidze's analysis of Shakespeare's ghost in T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets," promise to offer valuable insights into the intersection of classical and contemporary literature. Overall, the event reaffirms Ukraine's commitment to humanistic values and the enduring power of global literary achievements.

Софія Шатохіна (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you very much for this informative and interesting meeting! It was very nice to hear the information in English. You motivated me to read Shakespeare again and again!

Юлія Поліщук МЛАб-1-22-4.0д:
Thank you for amazing presentation! I'm glad to have a chance of being here and finding out such fascinating information.

Дар'я Рубцова (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you for this useful information! I was really glad to find out something new!

Вікторія Росинська (МЛІСб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you for an incredible presentation. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to join your conference!

Kарина Саприкіна (МЛІСб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you for amazing work and interesting reflection about father figure and the spirit of the past in the poems, I hope this will help us in the future
Анастасія Гончаренко (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you very much for the presentation! It was incredible, thank you for sharing this interesting material. I really find it extremely helpful!

Анна Крикун (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
I am grateful for your flawless performance. I found it to be both fascinating and instructive. Additionally, I would like to thank you for sustaining cultural events to help individuals thrive despite challenging circumstances.

Карина Гуцу (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
thank you for the presentation. Thank you for your work. Your presentation was informative and interesting. It calls me to immerse myself more in the works of Shakespeare. And also, since I am a student at the Faculty of Philology, it was useful to hear the English language
Тимофій Власов (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
What an amazing presentation! An honor to listen to such talented and inspiring people! Thank you for this opportunity, deep thoughts and interesting information that has been shared. It is very important to remember nowadays, and I am very grateful to be here.

Дар'я Віннікова (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thanks so much, Tamar Gelashvili and  Lizi Dzagnidze, it was very interesting for me to learn about the Allusions of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" in James Joyce "Finnegans Wake". To found out that Shakespeare has influenced Joyce the most , that Joyce throughout all his life tried to put himself on the same level as Shakespear and he  considered himself Shakespeare's main rival and he put a lot of effort in this aim.I am very grateful to all the organizers for this wonderful lecture. After this meeting, I wanted to read Shakespeare again.
Єва Миронюк (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thanks to such miraculous ability, being present at this approach, we will learn a lot of new and valuable information.

Анастасія Терещенко (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you for such a useful and fascinating meeting! I am sincerely grateful to the organizers for all their work, for such a significant contribution to the students' desire to learn something new and useful! it was incredibly interesting to listen! I look forward to the next meetings of a similar format
Вікторія Якубенко (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you so much for this perfect performance. It was extremely interesting and informative to get such information. And the special thanks for the fact that even under such conditions cultural events continue for the development of people. Amazing!
Альона Нужненко (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you very much for preparing such an interesting event for us. As a student of English philology, it was very nice to hear an English speech!
Софія Сливка (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you for the presentation, you have immersed us so much in Shakespeare's environment that based on what Eliot wrote "Everyone must know that half his energy must be exhausted in trying to escape from the burdensome work of Shakespeare", I can be sure that now it is impossible to escape from the incredible impressions of your stories

Юлія Музичук (МЛІСб-1-22-4.0д):
thank you so much for such a great presentation! it was really useful and interesting to leaten about Shakespeare's masterpieces. 

Богдана Міщук (МЛІСб-1-22-4.0д):
Grateful for the valuable content provided! It exceeded my expectations with its wealth of useful information! Thank you!
Олександра Казанцева (МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
Thank you so much! It is truly a pleasure to be a part of this incredible event! The more I attend such lectures, the more great and interesting information I learn. Thank you for this opportunity!

Аліна Сімійон (МЛІСб-1-22-4.0д):
It was an incredible presentation! I am so grateful for such an interesting presentation of the topic! I learned a lot of new cognitive facts!
Єлизавета Перепелиця ( МЛАб-1-22-4.0д):
I would like to express my gratitude for the Shakespeare’s Days seminar. Thank you very much for organising such an interesting event. It was informative and enjoyable. Thank you a wonderful opportunity to delve into the world of Shakespeare and learn about the cultural context of his time.